The best summary that I have seen of the Russian literature, in English, is:
Ukraintseva, V. V., 1993, Vegetation Cover and Environment of the "Mammoth Epoch" in Siberia. The Mammoth Site of Hot Springs of South Dakota, 1800 Highway 18-Truck Route, Hot Springs, SD. 57747-0606, 309 pp.
It contains summaries of the a number of the mummified mammoth, bison, and horse finds in Siberia including the Kirgilyakh mammoth, also known as "DIMA." Kirgilyakh comes from Kirgilyakh Creek, near which the mammoth was found during gold mining operations.
Ukraintseva (1993) states:
"A series of radiocarbon dates, obtained from skin fragments, slices of intestine and muscle tissues, showed that the baby mammoth died about 40,000 yr BP. (Arslanov et al., 1981; Shilo and Lozhskin, 1981; Shilo et al. 1983.)"
There are other radiocarbon dates from the deposits that contain the mammoth as shown in Figure 19 on page 57 of Ukraintseva (1993). They are consistent with the dates from the mammoth.
The references that Ukraintseva (1993) cite for the radiocarbon dates are:
Ukraintseva (1993) has a complete chapter that discusses DIMA / Kirgilyakh Mammoth find. There are younger fluvial deposits within terrace sequence that contain materials that do date to 9,000 BP. Hovind might be unfortunately confusing dates from these deposits with those from older deposits.
Paul V. Heinrich
Baton Rouge, LA