NCSE Evolution and Climate Education Update for 2017/09/15
(by NCSE Deputy Director Glenn Branch)
Dear friends of NCSE, There's good news and bad news for climate change in Nebraska's new state science standards.
NEW STATE SCIENCE STANDARDS IN NEBRASKA At its September 8, 2017, meeting, the Nebraska state board of education voted 6-1 to adopt a new set of state science standards, the Omaha World-Herald (September 8, 2017) reported. The standards, according to the World-Herald, "will introduce climate change in Nebraska high school science classes for the first time," since the previous standards, adopted in 2010, contained no specific references to climate change. But the treatment of climate change in the new standards deteriorated while they were under development. In the May 2017 draft of the standards, sixth-grade students were expected to "[a]sk questions to clarify the evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in global temperatures over the past century," while in the adopted standards, they are expected to "[a]sk questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused a change in global temerpatures over thousands of years." The revision obscures the rapidity of the rise in the last century and its connection to human activity. Similarly, in the May 2017 draft of the standards, high school students were expected to "[g]ather and analyze models from past and current Earth conditions to recognize patterns in climate change over time and make a projection of future climate trends," while in the adopted standards, they are expected to "[a]nalyze the validity and reliability of past and present models of Earth conditions to make projections of future climate trends and their impacts." The revision thus unrealistically expects high school students to assess the validity of scientific models of the climate. "The inclusion of climate change in the new Nebraska science standards is certainly welcome," commented NCSE's executive director Ann Reid. "But it's a shame that the better language of the original draft wasn't retained." Public comment on the standards at the August 2017 meeting of the board of education reportedly centered on climate change and evolution, but no changes to those areas resulted. For the story in the Omaha World-Herald, visit: For the new standards (PDF), visit: And for NCSE's previous coverage of events in Nebraska, visit: WHAT'S NEW AT NCSE'S BLOG? Have you been visiting NCSE's blog recently? If not, then you've missed: * Brad Hoge interviewing Grand Canyon teacher Marie Story: For NCSE's blog, visit: Thanks for reading. And don't forget to visit NCSE's website -- -- where you can always find the latest news on evolution and climate education and threats to them. -- Sincerely, Glenn Branch Deputy Director National Center for Science Education, Inc. 1904 Franklin Street, Suite 600 Oakland CA 94612-2922 510-601-7203 fax 510-788-7971 Check out NCSE's blog: Read Reports of the NCSE on-line: Subscribe to NCSE's free weekly e-newsletter: NCSE is on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter: NCSE's work is supported by its members. Join today!