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The Critic's Resource on AntiEvolution


Christian High Schools Sue California University System

Christian high schools teaching antievolution as course content in biology classes are suing the California state university system. California state schools have a policy in place that does not credit biology courses based upon the Bob Jones University or A Beka curriculum materials when evaluating student admissions applications.

Amid the growing national debate over the mixing of religion and
science in America's classrooms, University of California admissions
officials have been accused in a federal civil rights lawsuit of
discriminating against high schools that teach creationism and other

Bush and ID

2005/08/01: USA President George W. Bush was asked about "intelligent design" during a press conference.

In a press conference on August 1st, 2005, President George W. Bush responded to a question on "intelligent design". A Washington Post news article gives the complete exchange:

Q I wanted to ask you about the -- what seems to be a growing debate over evolution versus intelligent design. What are your personal views on that, and do you think both should be taught in public schools?
"THE PRESIDENT: I think -- as I said, harking back to my days as my governor . . . Then, I said that, first of all, that decision should be made to local school districts, but I felt like both sides ought to be properly taught.

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