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The Critic's Resource on AntiEvolution

Antievolutionist Bingo

Skeptico and TechSkeptic came up with a great idea, that of "Creationist Bingo". I'm taking that a step further and automating the creation of "antievolutionist bingo" cards. Each time you bring up this page, you will get a new card.

AntiEvolutionist Bingo
CC215. There are gaps between reptiles and mammals.
CA340. Evolutionists do not accept debate challenges.
CH503. Noah's ark has been found near Dogubayazit, Turkey.
CH513. Animals hibernated on the ark.
CB921. New structures would be useless until fully developed.
CA114.1. Lord Kelvin was a creationist.
CH055. Noncreationist Christians are compromisers.
CA113. Quote mining
CC111. Malachite man was found in Cretaceous sandstone.
CA114.10. Fabre was a creationist.
CB030. Early molecules would have decayed.
CD101. Entire geological column does not exist.
References an antievolutionist as an authority
CC214. There are gaps between reptiles and birds.
CC150. If we are descended from apes, why are there still apes around?
CA301.1. Naturalistic science will miss a supernatural explanation.
CA230. Interpreting evidence is not the same as observation.
CI111.2. Specified complexity characterizes what intelligent agents do.
CA230.1. Evolutionists interpret evidence on the basis of their preconceptions.
CH505.8. Ed Behling was led to the ark in 1973.
CB150. Functional genetic sequences are too rare to evolve from one to another.
CB910. No new species have been observed.
CA221. Were you there?
CA118. Your arguments do not count because you are not qualified.
CB200.1. Bacterial flagella are irreducibly complex.

Each religious antievolutionist claim on the card links to the mainstream science responses collected by Mark Isaak in his excellent "Index to Creationist Claims". Be sure to check those out.