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The Critic's Resource on AntiEvolution


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Antievolutionist Bingo

Skeptico and TechSkeptic came up with a great idea, that of "Creationist Bingo". I'm taking that a step further and automating the creation of "antievolutionist bingo" cards. Each time you bring up this page, you will get a new card.

AntiEvolutionist Bingo
CA010. Homosexuality receives approval from evolutionists.
CD303. Evaporites contain no organic matter.
CA202. Evolution has not been proved.
CA215. Evolution is a useless theory.
CH055. Noncreationist Christians are compromisers.
CA602.2. Scientists aim to make God unnecessary.
CB403. Evolution does not explain homosexuality.
CB811. Homologous structures are not produced by homologous genes.
CD013.1. K-Ar dates of 1986 dacite from Mount St. Helens are very old.
CC371.1. Soft tissues from a Tyrannosaurus bone indicate recent burial.
CB200.5. The metabolic pathway for AMP synthesis is too complex to have evolved.
CH001. Creationism has explanatory power.
References an antievolutionist as an authority
CA640. Do you want to be descended from a monkey?
CA310. Scientists find what they expect to find.
CA620. If man comes from random causes, life has no purpose or meaning.
CF001.3. Instructions are necessary to produce order.
CH542. Plants could have survived the Flood.
CF001. The second law of thermodynamics prohibits evolution.
CA651. God would have pronounced death and suffering "very good."
CE440. Where did space, time, energy, and laws of physics come from?
CA342. Evolutionists do not accept Walt Brown's debate challenge.
CC120. Baugh found a fossilized finger from the Cretaceous.
CB090. Evolution is baseless without a theory of abiogenesis.
CB620. Human population growth indicates a young earth.

Each religious antievolutionist claim on the card links to the mainstream science responses collected by Mark Isaak in his excellent "Index to Creationist Claims". Be sure to check those out.

The Unofficial University of Ediacara Pages

The official home page of the University of Ediacara.

The University of Ediacara is the virtual university serving the community. One of the main offshoots of the UoE is its virtual pub, the Panda's Thumb.

Scientific Storkism

Article 24657 of
From: (Ron Dippold)
Subject: Scientific Storkism
Date: 10 Apr 92 20:42:54 GMT
Organization: Qualcomm, Inc., San Diego, CA
Lines: 45

This hasn't been on for a while...

Ovulation versus cretinism

Two different theories exist concerning the origin of children: the theory of
sexual reproduction, and the theory of the stork. Many people believe in the
theory of sexual reproduction because they have been taught this theory
at school.

In reality, however, many of the world's leading scientists are in

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